

A. Original articles in refereed scientific journals

  1. Andersson, N., Larsson, PO., Åkesson, J., Carlsson, N., Skålén, S., and Nilsson, B. (2016): "Parameter Selection in the Parameter Estimation of Grade Transitions in a Polyethylene Plant", SET, 3(1)
  2. Knutson, HK, Holmqvist, A., and Nilsson, B. (2015): "Multi-objective optimization of chromatographic rare earth element separation", J. of Chrom A, 1416, 57-63
  3. Ojala, F., Sellberg, A, Hansen, TB., Broberg Hansen, E., and B. Nilsson (2015): “Predicion of reversible IgG1 aggregation occurring in size exclusion chromatography column is enabled through a model based approach", Biotechnol J, 2015, 5, DOI: 10.1002/biot.201500160
  4. Sellberg, A., Ojala, F,  and B. Nilsson (2015): "Model-based comparison pf antibody dimerization in continuous and batch-.wise downstream processing", Antibodies, 4, 157-169
  5. Max-Hansen, M., Knutson, HK, Jönsson, C., Degerman, M., and Nilsson, B. (2015): "Modeling preparative separation of heavy rare earth elements and optimization of thulium purification", Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry, 5(05) 151-160
  6. Johansson, K., Frederiksen, SS, Degerman, M., Breil, MP,. and Nilsson, B. (2015): "Combined effects of potassium chloride and ethanol as mobile phase modulators on hydrophobic interaction and reversed-phase chromatography of three insulin variantes", J of Chrom A, 1381(2015) 64-73
  7. Holmqvist, A; Andersson, C; Magnusson, F and Åkesson, J (2015): ”Methods and tools for robust optimal control of batch chromatography separation processes”, ”In Processes 3(3). p.568-606.
  8. Johnsson, O;  Andersson, J;  Lidén, G; Johnsson, C;  Hägglund, T (2015) ”Modelling of the oxygen level response to feed rate perturbations in an industrial scale fermentation process”. In Process Biochemistry 50(4). p.507-516. doi:10.1016/j.procbio.2015.01.009
  9. Garpinger, O; Hägglund, T (2015) ”Software-based optimal PID design with robustness and noise sensitivity constraints”, In Journal of Process Control 33(9). p.90-101
  10. Hast, M; Hägglund, T (2015) ”Optimal proportional--integral--derivative set-point weighting and tuning rules for proportional set-point weights”, In IET Control Theory & Applications 9(15). p.2266-2272.
  11. Johnsson, O;  Sahlin, D;  Linde, J;  Lidén, G; Hägglund, T (2015) ” A mid-ranging control strategy for non-stationary processes and its application to dissolved oxygen control in a bioprocess”, In Control Engineering Practice 42. p.89-94.
  12. Theorin, A;  Hägglund, T (2015) “Derivative backoff: The other saturation problem for PID controllers, In Journal of Process Control 33. p.155-160.
  13. Knutsson, HK., Max-Hansen, M., Jönsson, C., Borg, N., and Nilsson B.. (2014) "Experimental productivity rate optimization of rare earth element separation through preparative solid phase extraction chromatography"
  14. Lu S., SU H., Johnsson C., Wang Y., Xie L. (2015): “Modelling and Optimization Methods of Integrated Production Planning for Steel Plate Mill with Flexible Customization”, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2015.10.003
  15. Ojala, F., Degerman, M., Budde Hansen, T., Broberg Hansen, E., and Nilsson, B. (2014) Prectiction of IgG1 aggregation in solution, In Biotechnology journal 9(6). p.800-804
  16. Hast, M., Hägglund, T. "Low-order feedforward controllers: Optimal performance and practical considerations". Journal of Process Control, 24:9, pp. 1462–1471,2014.
  17. Garpinger, O., Hägglund, T., Åström, K-J. "Performance and robustness trade-offs in PID control". Journal of Process Control, 24:5, pp. 568–577,2014.
  18. Andersson, N., Knutson, H-K., Max-Hansen, M., Borg, N,. and Nilsson, B. (2014): Model-based comparison of batch and continuous preparative chromatography in the separatrion of rare earth elements, In Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 53(42). p.16485-16493
  19. Romero Segovia, V., Hägglund, T., Åström, K-J. "Measurement noise filtering for common PID tuning rules". Control Engineering Practice, 32, pp. 43–63,2014.
  20. Romero Segovia, V., Hägglund, T., Åström, K-J. "Measurement noise filtering for PID controllers".Journal of Process Control, 24:4, pp. 299–313,2014.
  21. Borg, N., Brodsky, Y., Moscariello, J., Vunnum, S, Vedantham, G., Westerberg, K. and Nilsson B. (2014), Modeling and robust pooling design of a preparative cation-exchange step for purification of monoclonal antibody monomer from soluble aggregates. 
  22. Ojala, F., Degerman, M., Hansen, T.B., Hansen, E.B., Nilsson, B. (2014) "Facilitating model-based prediction of Aggregation of IgG1 in solution
  23. Knutsson, H.K., Max Hansen, M., Jönsson, C., Borg, N., and Nilsson, B. (2014) "Experimental productivity rate optimization of rare earth element separation through preparative solid phase extraction chromatography"
  24. Otero, B., Degerman, M., Hansen, T.B., Hansen, E.B., and Nilsson, B. (2014), Model-based design and integration of a two-step biopharmaceutical production process, Bioproc. Biosyst. Eng., accepted
  25. Borg, N., Westerberg, K., Andersson, N., von Lieres, E. and Nilsson, B. (2013), Effects of uncertainties in experimental conditions on the estimation of adsorption model parameters in preparative chromatography, Computers & Chemical Engineering 55. p.148-157
  26. Hägglund, T. (2013), A Unified Discussion on Signal Filtering in PID ControlControl Engineering Practice, 21:8, pp. 994–1006.
  27. Johnsson, O., Andersson, J., Lidén, G., Johnsson, C. and Hägglund, T. (2013), Feed rate control in fed-batch fermentations based on frequency content analysis. Biotechnology Progress, 29:3, pp. 817–824, June 2013. doi: 10.1002/btpr.1727
  28. Westerberg, K., Broberg-Hansen, E.; Sejergaard, L. and Nilsson, B. (2013) , Model-based risk analysis of coupled process steps. Biotechnology and bioengineering 110(9). p.2462-2470
  29. Rodríguez, C., J. L. Guzmán, M. Berenguel, and T. Hägglund. “Generalized feedforward tuning rules for non-realizable delay inversion.” Journal of Process Control, 23, pp. 1241–1250, 2013
  30. Lindholm, A. and  P. Giselsson (2013) Minimization of economical losses due to utility disturbances in the process industryJournal of Process Control, 23:5, pp. 767–777.
  31. Lindholm, A. and C. Johnsson (2013) Plant-wide utility disturbance management in the process industry. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 49, pp. 146–157. doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2012.10.004
  32. Johnsson O., Andersson J., Johnsson C., Liden G., Hägglund T. (2012): “A novel feeding strategy for industrial fed-batch processes based on frequency content analysis”, New Biotechnology 29:S11, 2012
  33. Larsson, P-O., Åkesson, J., Carlsson, N., Andersson, N (2012): Model-Based Optimization of Economical Grade Changes for the Borealis Borstar Polyethylene Plant. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 
  34. Johan Åkesson, Carl D. Laird, Geoffry Lavedan, Katrin Prölss, Hubertus Tummescheit, Stéphane Velut, Yu Zhu (2012): Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a CO2 Post-Combustion Absorption Unit. Chemical Engineering & Technology. Accepted for publication.
  35. Westerberg, K., Borg, N., Andersson, N. and Nilsson B. (2012) Supporting Design and Control of a Reversed Phase Chromatography Step by Mechanistic Modeling. Chemical Engineering & Technology
  36. Ojala, F., Max Hansen, M., Kifle, D., Borg, N., Vogel, S. and Nilsson B. (2012) Modelling and optimisation of preparative chromatographic purification of europium. Journal of Chromatography A
  37. Westerberg, K., Broberg Hansen, E., Budde Hansen, T., Degerman, M. and Nilsson, B. (2012). Model Based Process Challenge of an Industrial Ion-Exchange Chromatography Step. Chemical Engineering & Technology
  38. Garrido, J., Vázquez, F., Morilla, F. and Hägglund, T. (2011), Practical advantages of inverted decoupling, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering. Vol 225:7, 977-992.
  39. Guzmán, J.L. and Hägglund, T. (2011), Simple tuning rules for feedforward compensators, Journal of Process Control. Vol 21, 92-102.
  40. Hägglund, T. (2011), A shape-analysis approach for diagnosis of stiction in control valves, Control Engineering Practice.Vol 19, 782-789.
  41. Max Hansen, M., Ojala, F., Kifle, D., Borg, N. and Nilsson B. (2011) Optimization of preparative chromatography separation of multiple rare earth elements. Journal of Chromatography A
  42. Westerberg, K., Broberg Hansen, E., Budde Hansen, T., Degerman, M. and Nilsson, B. (2011Model-Assisted Process Development for Preparative Chromatography Applications. BioProcess International
  43. Soltesz, K., J.-O. Hahn, T. Hägglund, G. A. Dumont, and J. M. Ansermino. “Individualized closed-loop control of propofol anesthesia: A preliminary study.” Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 8:6, pp. 500–508
  44. Westerberg, K., Degerman, M. and Nilsson, B.(2010) Pooling control in variable preparative chromatography processes, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering
  45. Åkesson, J., Årzén K-E., Gäfvert, M., Bergdahl, T., Tummescheit, H. (2010)Modeling and Optimization with Optimica and—Languages and Tools for Solving Large-Scale Dynamic Optimization Problem. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 34:11, pp. 1737-1749
  46. Degerman, M., Westerberg K. and Nilsson, B (2009). Determining Critical Process Parameters and Process Robustness in Preparative Chromatography - A Model-Based Approach. Chemical Engineering & Technology.
  47. Degerman, M., Westerberg K. and Nilsson, B (2009). A Model-Based Approach to Determine the Design Space of Preparative Chromatography. Chemical Engineering & Technology
  48. Degerman, M., Jakobsson, N. and Nilsson, B (2008) Designing Robust Preparative Purification Processes with High Performance. Chemical Engineering & Technology.

B. Original refereed scientific conference contributions

Refereed conference proceeding articles (selection)

  1. Bauer M., Harjunkoski I., Lucke M., Schlacke J., Johnsson C. (2016): “KPIs as the interface between scheduling and control” accepted for 11th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS’16), Trondheim, Norway, June, 2016
  2. Holmqvist, A., and Sellberg, A. (2016) "A Generic PAT Software Interface for On-Line Monitoring and Control of Chromatography Separation Systems" In Proceedings of ESCAPE26, Portoroz, Slovenia
  3. Holmqvist, A., Magnusson, F., and Nilsson, B., (2015) "Dynamic optimization of batch HPLC separation processes" In Proceedings of ESCAPE25/PSE. 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
  4. Lu S., Su H., Johnsson C., Shao H., Xie L. (2015): “A Chance constrained Programming Approach for Multi-Product Multi-Stage Integrated Production Planning under Internal and External Uncertainties”, IEEE Conference on Automation and Science in Engineering (CASE) 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 24-28, 2015.
  5. Farias F., Johnsson C., Ramminger G., Lima L. (2015): “Key Performance Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluation of PID and APC Strategies at Manufacturing Operations Management Level in a Natural Gas Processing Unit”, Escape 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1-4, 2015.
  6. Lu S., Su H., Johnsson C., Wang Y. (2014): “Modelling and Optimization Methods of Integrated Production Planning for Steel Plate Mill with Flexible Customization”, 25th Chinese Process Control Conference (CPCC), Dalian, China, August 9-14, 2014.
  7. Johnsson C., (2014): “Key Performance indicators used as measurement parameter for plant-wide feedback loops - work in progress”, Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS) 2014, Ajaccio, France, September 20-24, 2014.
  8. Lu S., Su H., Johnsson C., Xie L.(2014): “A Production Planning Model for a Steel Plate Fabrication Plant with Flexible Customization and Manufacturing”, 19th World Congress, IFAC 2014, Cape Town South Africa, August 24-29, 2014.
  9. Hast, M., Åström, K-J., Bernhardsson, B. and Boyd, S.P. (2013) PID Design By Convex-Concave Procedure". In 2013 European Control Conference, Zürich, Switzerland
  10. Lindholm, A. and Nytzén, N-P. (2013): "Hierarchical production scheduling in the process industry". In18th Nordic Process Control Workshop, Oulu, Finland
  11. Lindholm, A., Giselsson, P., Quttineh, N-H., Lidestam, H., Johnsson, C. and Forsman, K. (2013): "Production scheduling in the process industry". In 22nd International Conference on Production Research, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil
  12. Lindholm, A., Johnsson, C., Quttineh, N-H., Lidestam, H., Henningsson, M., Wikner, J., Tang, O., Nytzén, N-P. and Forsman, K. (2013): "Hierarchical scheduling and utility disturbance management in the process industry". In IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM2013), Saint Petersburg, Russia
  13. Romero Segovia, V., Hägglund, T., Åström, K.j. (2013).Filtering Trade-offs in PI and PID Control. Accepted. American control conference, Washington DC
  14. Rodríguez, C., J. L. Guzmán, M. Berenguel, T. Hägglund, and J. E. Normey-Rico (2013). “Diseño de controladores por adelanto para inversión de retardo no realizable.” In XXXIV Jornadas de Automática, Terrassa, Spain
  15. Andersson, N., Larsson, P., Åkesson, J., Haugwitz, S., and Nilsson, B. (2012). Parameter estimation of dynamic grade transitions in a polyethylene plant. In Addendum to 22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, London, UK
  16. Borg, N., and Nilsson, B. (2012). Model based analysis of different apparent porosities in preparative protein chromatography.  In Addendum to 22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, London, UK
  17. Borg, N., Westerberg, K., Schnittert, S., von Lieres, E. and Nilsson, B. (2012)  Numerical Analysis of Model Parameter Uncertainties as a Result of Experimental Uncertainty - An Example from Preparative Chromatography MATHMOD, Vienna, Austria
  18. Borg, N. and Nilsson B. (2012) Distributed Pore Surface Model, MATHMOD, Vienna, Austria
  19. Garpinger, O., Hägglund, T., Åström, K. J.(2012), Criteria and Trade-offs in PID Design, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Brescia, Italy
  20. Garpinger, O. and Hägglund, T. (2012), Software for PID Design: Benefits and pitfalls, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Brescia, Italy
  21. Hägglund, T. (2012), Signal filterilng in PID control, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Brescia, Italy
  22. Hast, M. and Hägglund, T. (2012) Design of optimal low-order feedforward controllers., IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Brescia, Italy
  23. Larsson, P.O. and Hägglund, T. (2012), Comparison Between Robust PID and Predictive PI Controllers with Constrained Control Signal Noise Sensitivity, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Brescia, Italy
  24. Lindholm A., Johnsson C., Hägglund, T. and Carlsson H. (2012) Reducing revenue loss due to disturbances in utilities using buffer tanks - A case study at Perstorp Conference on Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations (FOCAPO2012), Savannah, Georgia, USA
  25. Lindholm A., Johnsson C., Hägglund, T. and Carlsson H. (2012) Reducing revenue loss due to disturbances in utilities using buffer tanks - A case study at Perstorp 17th Nordic Process Control Workshop, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark
  26. Soltesz K., Johnsson C., Hägglund T. (2011): “Teaching Control Principles to Industry Practitioners”, Presented at 17th Nordic Process Control Workshop (NPC) 2012, Denmark, January, 2012
  27. Lindholm, A. and C. Johnsson (2012) A tool for utility disturbance management. In Proceedings of the 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, pp. 122–127. Bucharest, Romania
  28. Lindholm, A. and P. Giselsson (2012) Formulating an optimization problem for minimization of losses due to utilities. In Proceedings of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, pp. 567– 572. Singapore
  29. Westerberg, K., Broberg Hansen, E., Budde Hansen, T., Borg, N., and Nilsson, B. (2012). Model-based Assessment of Process Sensitivity and Robustness in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing.  In Addendum to 22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, London, UK
  30. Soltesz, K. and Hägglund, T. (2011), Extending the Relay Feedback Experiment, IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy
  31. Guzmán, J.L., Hägglund, T., Åström, K.J., Dormido, S, Berenguel, M. and Piguet, Y. (2011), Feedforward Control Concepts through Interactive Tools, 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy
  32. Soltesz K., Johnsson C., Hägglund T. (2011): Teaching Control Principles to Industry Practitioners. ACC 2011, San Francisco CA, USA
  33. Lindholm, A., Carlsson, H. and Johnsson, C. (2011) A General Method for Handling Disturbances on Utilities in the Process Industry. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy
  34. Johnsson O., Andersson J. and Johnsson C. (2011)Probing control in B. Licheniformis fermentations, 18th IFAC World Congress 2011, Milano, Italy
  35. Laird, C. D., Wong, A. and Åkesson, J. (2011) Parallel Solution of Large-Scale Dynamic Optimization Problems. In 21st European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering.
  36. Åkesson, J., Andersson, J., Diehl, M. and Casella, F. (2011) Integration of ACADO Toolkit and CasADi in 8th International Modelica Conference, Dresden, Germany
  37. Casella, F., Donida, F. and Åkesson, J. (2011) Object-Oriented Modeling and Optimal Control: A Case Study in Power Plant Start-Up. In 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy
  38. Larsson, P-O. and Hägglund, T. (2011), Control Signal Constraints and Filter Order Selection for PI and PID Controllers, American Control Conference, San Francisco, USA
  39. Andersson, N., Larsson P-O., Åkesson, J., Haugwitz, S. and Nilsson, B. (2011) Calibration of a polyethylene plant for grade change optimizations. In 21st European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering.
  40. Lindholm A., Carlsson H. and Johnsson C. (2011) Estimation of Revenue Loss due to Disturbances on Utilities in the Process Industry 22nd Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society , Reno, Nevada, USA
  41. Lindholm, A. (2011) A method for improving plant availability with respect to utilities using buffer tanks 31st IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control, Innsbruck, Austria
  42. Larsson, P-O., Åkesson, J., Haugwitz, S., and Andersson, N. (2011) Modeling and optimization of grade changes for multistage polyethylene reactors18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy
  43. Soltesz K., Johnsson C., Hägglund T. (2011): “Teaching Control Principles to Industry Practitioners”, European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2011.
  44. Borg, N., Naomi Lund, L., Degerman, M., Staby, A. and Nilsson, B. (2010) Calibration of mathematical models of preparative chromatography: removal of antibody aggregates Extended Reports from the 1st International Conference on High-Throughput Process Development, Kraków, Poland
  45. Soltesz, K., Hägglund, T., and Åström, K.J. (2010), Transfer Function Parameter Identification by Modified Relay Feedback, Proc. American Control Conference, Baltimore, USA
  46. Lindholm, A., Forsman, K., and Johnsson, C. (2010), A General Method for Defining and Structuring Buffer Management Problems, Proc. American Control Conference, Baltimore, USA
  47. Larsson, P-O., Andersson, N., Åkesson, J., and Haugwitz, S. (2010) Modelica Based Grade Change Optimization for a Polyethylene Reactor, Proc. of 9th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, Leuven, Belgium
  48. Larsson, P-O., Åkesson, J., Haugwitz, S., and Anderssson, N. (2010) Modeling and Optimization of Grade Changes for Multistage Polyethylene Reactors, Proc. 16th Nordic Process Control Workshop, Lund, Sweden


Contributions with accepted on abstract – oral presentations (selection)

  1. Holmqvist, A., Sellberg, A., Magnusson, F., Nilsson, B. and Staby, A. (2016). General gradients for preparative chromatography. ACS 2016, San Diego, USA
  2. Nilsson, B., Andersson, N., Holmqvist, A., Sellberg, A., Tiainen, P. and Staby, A. (2015) Design and control of chromatography steps in an integrated column sequence. Integrated Continuous Biomanufacturing 2, Berkeley, USA
  3. Holmqvist, A., Magnusson, F., Sellberg, A., Nilsson, B. and Staby, A. (2015). Optimal elution gradient preparative chromatography. ACS 2015, Denver, USA
  4. Borg, N., Brodsky, Y., Mascarillo, J., Vunnum, S., Vendantham, G., Westerberg, K. and Nilsson, B. (2014). Modeling and robust pooling design of a preparative cation-exchange step for purifiaction of monoclonal antibody monomers from soluble aggregates. ACS 2014, Dallas, USA
  5. Max-Hansen, M., Knutson, H-K., Andersson, N. and Nilsson, B. (2014) Modeling and optimization of preparative chromatography separation of rare earth elements, SPICA, Basel, Switzerland
  6. Otera, B., Degerman, M., Nilsson, B., Hansen, E., Hansen, T. and Staby, A. (2014). Model based design of integrated reactor-chromatography process. ACS 2014, Dallas, USA
  7. Ojala, F., Degerman, M., Nilsson, B., Hansen, E., Hansen, T. and Staby, A. (2013)Model based approach to study of IgG1 aggregation in solution. ACS 2013, New Orleans, USA
  8. Borg, N., Westerberg. K., Andersson, N. and Nilsson, B. Model Based Study of Protein Purification using a Computational Platform for Preparative Chromatography Systems. 13th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques, Stockholm, Sweden
  9. Lindholm, A. and Nytzén, N-P. (2013) "Hierarchical production scheduling in the process industry". In 18th Nordic Process Control Workshop, Oulu, Finland
  10. Johnsson O., Andersson A., Johnsson C., Liden G., Hägglund T., (2012): “A novel feeding strategy for industrial fed-batch processes based on frequency content analysis” Presentation (poster) at 15th European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB15), Istanbul, Turkey, September 2012
  11. Borg, N. and Nilsson, B. (2012) Distributed Pore Surface Model, SPICA, Brussels, Belgium
  12. Degerman, M. et. al. (2012)  From Data to Knowledge - A Model Based Approach to Designing High Throughput Experiments Recovery of Biological Products XV, Stowe, USA
  13. Degerman, M. et. al. (2012)  Processoptimering inom petro- & läkemedelsindustri, FindIT, Sandviken, Sweden
  14. Degerman, M. et. al. (2012)  Reducing the Analytical Burden of High Throughput Screening SPICA, Brussels, Belgium
  15. Nilsson, B.,  Westerberg, K., Degerman, M., and Staby, A. (2012) Methodology for Model based Robustness Analysis and Design of Preparative Protein Chromatography, ACS Biot Spring Meeting, San Diego, USA 
  16. Ojala, F., Degerman, M., and Nilsson, B. (2012) Modeling of Protein Aggregation in Preparative Chromatography, SPICA, Brussels, Belgium
  17. Westerberg, K., Sejergaard, L.,  Broberg Hansen, E., and Nilsson, B. (2012) Risk analysis of integrated steps in a biopharmaceutical production process – a model assisted approach ACS Biot Spring Meeting, San Diego, USA
  18. Westerberg, K., Broberg Hansen, E., Budde Hansen, T., Borg, N. and Nilsson, B. (2011) Preparative chromatography modeling for process verification and control ACS Biot Spring Meeting, Anaheim, USA
  19. Borg, N., Lund, LN., Degerman, M., Staby, A., and Nilsson, B. (2010) Calibration of Mathematical Models of Preparative Chromatography. HTPD, Krakow, Poland
  20. Westerberg, K., Borg, N., et al (2010) Implementation of a Mechanistic Model for Design and Control of a Reversed Phase Chromatography Step. Recovery of Biological Products XIV, Lake Tahoe, USA
  21. Lindholm, A., Carlsson, H., and Johnsson, C. (2010), Availability Estimations for Utilities in the Process Industry, Proc. 16th Nordic Process Control Workshop, Lund, Sweden
  22. Borg, N., Andersson, N., Westerberg. K. and Nilsson, B. (2010) Platform for Computational Studies of Preparative Chromatography Systems. 8th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Science, Bologna, Italy
  23. Westerberg, K., Broberg Hansen, E., et al (2010) Model Based Process Challenge for an Ion Exchange Chromatography Step. 13th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques, Stockholm, Sweden
  24. Lindholm A., Carlsson H., and Johnsson C (2010): “Availability Estimations for utilities in the Process Industry”, 16th Nordic Process Control Workshop, Lund, Sweden, August, 2010.
  25. Westerberg, K., Degerman, M., Jakobsson, N., and Nilsson, B. (2008) Optimization of Variable Operational Conditions in Preparative Chromatography. PREP Symposium, San José, USA
  26. Degerman, M., Westerberg K., and Nilsson, B. (2008) Designing Robust Preparative Purification Processes with High Performance. PREP Symposium, San José, USA and 11th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques, Zürich, Switzerland

Contributions with accepted on abstract – poster presentations (selection)

  1. Nilsson, B., Andersson, N., Holmqvist, A., Sellberg, A., Tiainen, P. and Staby, A. (2016) Straight through processing using integrated chromatography column sequences Recovery of Biological Products XVII, Bermuda, UK
  2. Westerberg, K.,  Sejergaard, L.,  Broberg Hansen, E., and Nilsson, B. (2012) Model-assisted risk analysis for coupled process steps Recovery of Biological Products XV, Stowe, USA and SPICA, Brussels, Belgium
  3. Johansson, K. (2012) Effects of Organic Modifier and Salt Concentrations on Separation of Insulin Intermediates on HIC and RPC Resins. SPICA, Brussels, Belgium
  4. Ojala, F., Degerman, M., Budde Hansen, T., Broberg Hansen, E. and Nilsson, B. (2012) Study of the Mechanisms of Antibody Aggregation in Solution,  Recovery of Biological Products XV, Stowe, USA and SPICA, Brussels, Belgium and ACS Biot Spring Meeting, San Diego, USA and AIChE, Pittsburgh, USA
  5. Hast, M. (2012) Design of Optimal Low-Order Feedforward Controllers for Disturbance Rejection, In 17th Nordic Process Control Workshop, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark, January 2012.
  6. Borg, N., Westerberg, K.. Schnittert, S., von Lieres, E. and Nilsson, B (2011) Chromatographic model parameter uncertainties as a result of experimental error PREP Symposium, Boston, USA
  7. Hägglund, T. (2011) Automatisk diagnos av stiktion i ventiler. Automationsdagarna, Stockholm, Sweden
  8. Andersson, N., Borg, N., Max-Hansen, M. and Nilsson, B. (2010) Computer Cluster simulations for Optimization and Calibration of Chromatography. 13th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques, Stockholm, Sweden
  9. Borg, N., Lund, LN., and Nilsson, B. (2010) Distributed Pore Model. PREP Symposium, Philadelphia, USA and 10th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption, Kyoto, Japan
  10. Borg, N., Andersson, N., Westerberg. K., Max-Hansen, M., Ojala, F., and Nilsson, B. (2010) pcs - Preparative Chromatography Simulator. 8th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Science, Bologna, Italy and 13th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques, Stockholm, Sweden
  11. Borg, N., Andersson, N., Westerberg. K., and Nilsson, B. (2010) Platform for Computational Studies of Preparative Chromatography Systems. Recovery of Biological Products XIV, Lake Tahoe, USA
  12. Hägglund, T. (2010), Steel Belt Position Control at Sandvik Process Systems, Proc. Reglermöte, Lund, Sweden
  13. Larsson, P.O., Andersson, N., Åkesson, J., and Haugwitz, S. (2010) Modellering och optimering av produktbyte av en polyetenreaktor. Proc. Reglermöte, Lund, Sweden
  14. Lindholm, A., Forsman, K., and Johnsson, C. (2010), Buffer Management Strategies for Improving Plant Availability. Proc. Reglermöte, Lund, Sweden
  15. Lindholm A., Forsman K., Johnsson C., (2010): Buffer Management Strategies for Improving Plant Availability, (Poster) Reglermöte, Lund, Sweden, June 8-9, 2010.
  16. Ojala, F., Borg, N. and Nilsson, B. (2010) Model Calibration of Chromatographic Separation of Rare Earth Elements. 13th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques, Stockholm, Sweden and PREP Symposium 2011, Boston, USA
  17. Westerberg, K., Degerman M., et al (2010) Applications of the Design Space Concept in Reversed Phase Chromatography. 10th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption, Kyoto, Japan and 8th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Science, Bologna, Italy
  18. Borg, N., Westerberg. K., Degerman M., and Nilsson, B. (2009) Comparison of Adsorption Isotherms. PREP Symposium, Philadelphia, USA
  19. Nielsen, F., Westerberg, K., et al (2009) Simultaneous Modeling and Optimization of Preparative Chromatography. PREP Symposium, Philadelphia, USA
  20. Andersson, N., Westerberg. K., Degerman M., and Nilsson, B. (2009) Model-based Optimization of MCSGP Compared to Batch Chromatography. PREP Symposium, Philadelphia, USA
  21. Onsberg, M., Degerman, M., and Nilsson B. (2008) Determining Optimal Operating Conditions for Preparative Chromatography with Varying Feed Composition. 12th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques, Zürich, Switzerland
  22. Westerberg, K., Degerman M, et al (2008) Determination of Robust Pooling in Preparative Chromatography. PREP Symposium and 12th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques, Zürich, Switzerland


C. Review articles, book chapters etc.

PhD Theses

  1. Johnsson, O. (2015) Perturbation-based Control of Industrial Fed-batch Bioprocesses, December. Department of Automatic Control.
  2. Hast, M. (2015) Design of low-order controllers using optimization techniques, June 5th. Department of Automatic Control.
  3. Garpinger, O. (2015) Analysis and design of software-based optimal PID controllers, May 8th. Department of Automatic Control.
  4. Ojala, F. (2015) Modeling antibody aggregation in downstream processing, April 24th, Dept of Chemical Engineering.
  5. Romero Segovia, V. (2014) Adaptive CPU resource management and Noise filtering for PID control, April 23rd. Department of Automatic Control.
  6. Max-Hansen, M. (2014) Modeling and optimization of rare earth element chromatography, June 13th. Dept of Chemical Engineering.
  7. Andersson, N. (2014), Parallel Computing in Model-Based Process Engineering, May 9th, Dept of Chemical Engineering.
  8. Borg, N. (2013), Modeling and Calibration of Preparative Chromatography, November 22th, Dept of Chemical Engineering.
  9. Lindholm, A. (2013), Hierarchical Scheduling and Utility Disturbance Management in the Process Industry. Department of Automatic Control.
  10. Westerberg, K. (2012) Modeling for Quality and Safety in Biopharmaceutical Production Processes, November 16th, Dept of Chemical Engineering
  11. Larsson, P-O. (2011) Optimization of Low-Level Controllers and High-Level Polymer Grade Changes, November 11, Dept of Automatic Control
  12. Degerman, M. (2009) Design of Robust Preparative Chromatography, May 8, Dept of Chemical Engineering

Licentiate Theses

  1. Berner, J. (2015) Automatic tuning of PID controllers based on asymmetric relay feedback, May 23, 2015. Dept of Automatic Control.
  2. Johnsson, O. (2013) Extremum-seeking Control of Industrial-scale Fermentation Processes,  Oktober 18, 2013. Dept of Automatic Control.
  3. Soltesz, K. (2012) On Automation of the PID Tuning Procedure, January 20, 2012, Dept of Automatic Control
  4. Lindholm, A. (2011), Utility Disturbance Management in the Process Industry, October 28, 2011, Dept of Automatic Control


    1. Hägglund, T. (2010), 16th Nordic Process Control Workshop - Preprints, Lund, Sweden

Book Chapters

    1. Nilsson, B. and Andersson, N. (2016), Simulation of process chromatography, chapter in the book Preparative Chromatography Separation of Proteins and Peptides, Staby, Ratore and Ahuja (Ed.), Wiley, in press
    2. Guzmán, J. L., Hägglund, T. (2012), Feedforward compensation for PID control loops In Vilanova and Visioli "PID control in the third millenium". Springer.

Master's Theses

  1. Lucke M. (2016) KPIs for Asset Management: A Pump Case Study", Dept of Automatic Control
  2. Al-Kaisy, S. (2015) Model Calibration and Optimization of a Protein Purification Process. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  3. Lundberg, M. (2015) Modeling & Simulation of a Cooling Tower with COMSOL Multiphysics Dept of Chemical Engineering
  4. Lövgren, A. (2015) Modeling & Simulation of a cooling tower with extended uses.Dept of Chemical Engineering
  5. Tegnér, F. (2015) Optimization of a PEGylation process. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  6. Persson, M. (2015) Evaluation and development of strategies for pooling in preparative chromatography. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  7. Brickling, F. (2015) , Energy optimization in chemical plant. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  8. Nordlund, S. (2014) Modelling and simulation of a groundwater aquifer in Vomb. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  9. Perez Serrano, F. (2014) Modelling and simulation of antibody purification. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  10. Risinger, H. (2014) Dynamic simulation and analysis of upsets in high pressure hydroprocessing. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  11. Nygren, A. (2014) Simulation of bubbly flow in a flat bubble column. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  12. Nolin, M. (2014) Experimental investigation, model examination, and solver validation of the vapour lift tube distributor tray. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  13. Bugge, A. (2014) Simulative investigation of a continuous chromatographic purification process. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  14. Sundqvist, M. (2014) Modeling and simulation of a polyol process at Perstorp AB using CHEMCAD. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  15. Sellberg, A. (2013) Determining design space in pharmaceutical production. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  16. Chaudhry, O. (2013) Design of petrochemical fractionation column. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  17. Sewring, T. (2013) Heat transfer in particulate foods. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  18. Hagman, J. (2013) Precipitation of low concentration rare earth elements in acid solutions. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  19. Bigelius, J. (2013) Study of stationary phases for chromatographic separation of lanthanides. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  20. Håkansson, E. (2013) Chromatographic parameter estimation for the model-based design of a sugar separation simulated moving bed process. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  21. Åberg, A. (2013) Regression analysis of production parameters. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  22. Olesen, J. (2013) Computer modelling, calibration and optimization of a chromatographic purification. Dept of Chemical Engineering
  23. Otero Garcia, B. (2013) Modeling and optimization of two connected steps in biopharmaceutical industry, Dept of Chemical Engineering
  24. Carlos Fernandez, A. (2013) Simulation and optimization of the separation of Rare Earth Elements,  Dept of Chemical Engineering
  25. Otero, B. (2013) Modelling & Optimization of two Connected Steps in Biopharmaceutical Industry, Dept of Chemical Engineering  
  26. Stenmark, M. (2012) A Graphical User Interface for Polyethylene Production Grade Changes, February, Dept of Automatic Control
  27. Hertz, J.  MILP Modeling of Production-related Disturbances. 
  28. Raskowski, C. (2012) Reglering av transportband, May, Dept of Automatic Control 
  29. Olsson, A. (2012) Calibration and Optimization of Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography, Dept of Chemical Engineering  
  30. Fransson, P. (2012) Anti-Optimization: Robust Optimization of Reversed Phase Purification, Dept of Chemical Engineering  
  31. Sulehria, O. (2012) From Data to Knowledge - Simplifying Modeling and Calibration of Chromatographic Separations, Dept of Chemical Engineering  
  32. Carlsson, H., and Jönsson, C. (2012) Separation of air bubbles from milk in a dearation system,  Dept of Chemical Engineering
  33. Hillåker, S. (2012) The Effect of the Pressure Relief Valve on the Deaeration Process, Dept of Chemical Engineering  
  34. Dehlin, G. (2012) A study of the mass transfer of dissolved oxygen into gaseous phase in a deaeration system,  Dept of Chemical Engineering
  35. Johansson, K. (2011) Flexible pooling in Chromatographic Purification - Development of a Control Algorithm, June, Dept of Chemical Engineering
  36. Edmundsson, M. (2011) Metodik för modellkalibrering av kromatografiprocesser, Dept of Chemical Engineering
  37. Ojala, F. (2010) Model Calibration of Chromatography Separation of Rare Earth Elements, May, Dept of Chemical Engineering
  38. Björk, H. (2010) Grating motor control, December, Dept of Automatic Control
  39. Stenquist, B. (2010) Alarm management in process control industry, June, Dept of Automatic Control
  40. Johnsson, O. (2010) Probing Control in B. licheniformis Fermentation, May, Dept of Automatic Control
  41. Collryd, M. and Svensson Valdt, P. (2009) Temperature Control of an External Cleaning Unit , Dec, Dept of Automatic Control
  42. Wåhlin, F. (2009) Developing graphical user interface for a model predicative controller in an ABB software environment, Feb, Dept of Automatic Control
  43. Axelsson, K. (2009) Dynamic modelling of a system for production of district heating, Dec, Dept of Chemical Engineering
  44. Arkell, A. (2009) In situ measurements of transport phenomena in sodium bicarbonate cartridges, Dec, Dept of Chemical Engineering
  45. Andersson, N. (2009) Simulation of Continuous Preparative Chromatography - a case study in MCSGP, Jan 23, Dept of Chemical Engineering
  46. Almqvist, M. (2009) Modeling and calibration of preparative chromatography in gPROMS, Jan 23, Dept of Chemical Engineering
  47. Max-Hansen, M. (2009) Optimization of Chromatographic System - using evolutionary methods and parallell computing, Jan 23, Dept of Chemical Engineering
  48. Fogel, S. (2009) Design and analysis of chromatographic separation of metal ions, Dec, Dept of Chemical Engineering
  49. Lindholm, A. (2008) Buffer Management Strategies for Improving Plant Availability, Dec 18, Dept of Automatic Control
  50. Nilsson, E. (2008) Dynamic model of a NID-system, Dec 18, Dept of Chemical Engineering
  51. Nielsen, F. (2008) Simulated evolutionary optimization of an ion-exchange chromatography step, Dec 11, Dept of Chemical Engineering
  52. Haventon, M., Öberg, J. (2008) Testing and implementation of a backlash detection algorithm, Nov, Dept of Automatic Control
  53. Borg, N. (2008) Fast model calibration of chromatographic process - Separation of protein monomers from dimers, Nov 14, Dept of Chemical Engineering




  1. “The Process Industry Centre 2008-2014 – summary of a programme for research and competence development initiated by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic research (SSF) and funded jointly by SSF and the process industry”, report for the general public about the PIC-initiative (Editor: Charlotta Johnsson). Published April 2015.
  2. Max-Hansen, M., Knutson, HK., Jönsson, C., Bigelius, J., Hagman, J., Frankel, M., Johansson, K., Chaudry, O., Sulehria, O., Degerman, M. and Nilsson, B. (2014) Preparative REE chromatography systems in laboratory and pilot scale. Dept of Chemical Engineering.
  3. Andersson, N., Borg, N., and Max-Hansen, M. (2014) A simple computer cluster, March 28th, Department of Chemical Engineering.
  4. Andersson, N., Borg, N., and Nilsson, B. (2013) Preparative Chromatography Simulator - pcs, Internal report, October 16th, Department of Chemical Engineering.
  5. Carlsson M (2012), "User-interface for proactive utility disturbance management",  A user-friendly excel interface to Matlab calculations. Dept. of Automatic Control.
  6. Larsson, P-O, Åkesson, J., Carlsson, N., Andersson, N. (2012) Modeling of the PE3 Plant at Borealis AB. Technical Report ISRN LUTFD2/TFRT--ISRN LUTFD2/TFRT--7622--SE--SE, Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, Sweden.

D. Software

  1. Andersson, N., Borg, N. and Max-Hansen M. (2014) Computer cluster for parallell computing using MATLAB, COMSOL and
  2. Carlsson M (2012),User-interface for proactive utility disturbance management",  A userfriendly excel interface to Matlab calculations. Dept. of Automatic Control.
  3. Borg, N and Nilsson, B. (2012) SMB simulation and design tool, pre-prototype
  4. Stenmark, M., Andersson, N. and Larsson, P-O. (2012) GradeMax -  A Graphical User Interface for Polyethylene Production Grade Changes
  5. Larsson, P-O., Andersson, N. and Haugwitz, S., (2010) Polyethylene Reactor Library – a Modelica Library
  6. Borg, N., Andersson, N., Max Hansen, M., Westerberg, K. and Nilsson, B. (2010) pcs - Preparative Chromatography Simulator: a MATLAB toolbox for analysis and design


E. Articles in Press

  1. “Tummen upp för hierarkisk produktionsplanering” (Featuring: Charlotta Johnsson), an article in Kemivärlden Nr9, September 2014.
  2. “Det behövs mer engagemang i industrin” (English: ) (Featuring: Charlotta Johnsson), an article in Process Nordic, October 2014.
  3. “Standarder i högre utbildning” (Featuring: Charlotta Johnsson), publication in SEK Aktuellt Nr 4, 2012.
  4. “Återkoppling på hög nivå” (Featuring: Charlotta Johnsson), popular science article in industry-journal Nr5 2012
  5. “Nu gör vi nyckeltalen entydiga” (Eng: Developing consistent Key Performance Indicators) (Featuring: Charlotta Johnsson), popular science article in industry-journal Automation Nr4, 2011
  6. “Standarder som del i undervisningen” (Featuring: Charlotta Johnsson), artikel in AutomationRegion, June 2011
  7. “Effektivare processindustri med MES” (Featuring: Charlotta Johnsson), artikel i Automations nytt Siemens, Nr 1 2009
  8. “Experter samtalar om MES” (Featuring: Charlotta Johnsson), Artikel i Process Nordic’s magazine “Industriell IT och Automation”, spring 2008.